Our Folklyfe

Earlier this month, we resumed filming our heritage web series, 'folklyfe, ' at the Hibbs House in Washington Crossing Historic Park. We chose this site and subject of open hearth cookery to be the kick off of the larger episodes- it is what I felt safest with. I felt confident and secure in the site and with what I was speaking about, and that really helps me with the whole camera thing. That, and a couple of shots of Fireball.

This year has been trying- we had laid out everything we needed to make this happen seamlessly. But, life. We were originally dissuaded from continuing production early last year because we were contacted by a publisher who wanted to make this a book instead of a web series. I have to admit, we entertained the notion of scrapping the production and running with the book. But the loss of intellectual property, the lack of much needed time to gather an authentic experience to document in said book, and the heavy realization that the promotion and the success of this project would be squarely on us, weighed heavily. After some time, we made our choice. We would write the book, but it would be ours. We would write the book, but it would be genuine in our experiences. We would write the book, but it would be along side of our production; where our children will learn something, where I would work beside my husband, where we would live out our heartsong.

Our book, 'Our Folklyfe,' will be published Fall 2018.

We invite you to join us in our journey, as it will be smelling of wood smoke, heavy with history, and an authentic experience. Thank you for all of the support we were given at the planting of the project, and I know in deepest parts of my heart that this will be an amazing step towards growth, knowledge and security for our family and yours.

'Folklyfe, ' (the web series) is scheduled to be released on March 20, 2018, the first day of Spring.  See you then.



Strong Women

Wearing a dress never slowed down Maude Shope, even at age 76. Whether she was climbing gates, attending corn shuckings, or riding her mule Frank bareback, Maude proved women could do just about anything in a skirt. Maude also believed in respect and honesty above all things: "I say nasty words sometimes, and cuss sometimes. I've done that. But stealin'r'lyin' to y', I'm not a'gonna' do it. I think that is a dirty thing t'do. I believe in bein' honest--tellin' th'truth. That's th'way I feel."




Work proper to done in the Kitchen-Garden in this Month.

In a forward Spring there is a great deal of Business to be done in this Month. Make fresh Hot-Beds for your Cucumbers and Melons, if the Old ones are grown cold; wheel Dung, and dig into your Ground. Also you may still continue to trench or ridge up any of your Ground that is stiff, or that you will not want to crop till the Beginning or Middle of April, by which Time the Frosts, Snows, Rains, &c. will have meliorated it, and made it much better for any Kitchen-Uses.  You may also towards the End of this Month (if the Weather is mild, and your Situation warm and Soil dry)  sow Carrots, Parsnips, Onions, Leeks, Beets, Parsley, Radishes, Lettuce, Spinage, Asparagus &c.  Towards the Middle of the Month should be sown a second Crop of the Windsor-Bean, to succeed those sown in January; also at the Beginning of the Month may be sow'd a Crop of the Spanish Marotto, Marrow-fat, or any other large Kind of Pease, to succeed the Hotspur before sown.  You may also transplant you Sugar-loaf or other Kinds of Cabbage, to succeed the early Crops planted in November; and at the End of the Month you may remove your Collyflower Plants out of the Beds, that they were presrv'd in all the Winter, planting 'em in a rich warm Piece of Ground, at the proper Distance to remain for good. You may also sow some Colleyflower-Seed on a gentle Hot-Bed, to be covered with Mats. You may also sow of the Sugar-loaf and other late Kinds of Cabbages in in a warm Border. Plant Garlick, Shallot, Rocamble; also some of your sprouted Onions may be planted for Scallions. Continue still to make Hot-Beds for forcing of Asparagus; transplant your Lettuces out of the Beds, that they have been kept in all the Winter, if they are too thick. If the Weather is Mild, you may slip your Artichokes, and plant at the End of the Month.  You may also plant Potatoes and Jerusalem Artichokes.

The Products of the Kitchen-Garden in this Month are Potatoes, Turnips, Parsnips, Carrots, some Cabbages and Savoys, Colworts in Plenty; Cellery, Brocoli, Boorcole, Spinage, Leeks, Onions, Garlick, Rocambole, Shallots, Beets, Asparagus on Hot-Beds, with Radishes, and all sorts of  Sallet-Herbs.

-Adam's Luxury, and Eve's Cookery., 1744